Frequent flyer? Then you need to try SHARE NOW. With thousands of premium cars in our fleet, you'll always have an easy and comfortable way to get to the airport. Car-sharing is cheaper than taxis and you never have to wait in line. From the moment you land, just open the SHARE NOW app and reserve a car in a few taps. As long as you're in a SHARE NOW city, you'll always have a car.
Got a flight to catch? Use SHARE NOW to get to the airport. We have dedicated carsharing parking spots for you next to P3 at Terminal 1 West (open area).
Just landed? Open the SHARE NOW app and reserve a car from the moment you land. You will find our cars next to P3 at Terminal 1 West (open area).
Our cars free-float around the city and can be rented with just the app. Drive and drop off our cars easily at Stuttgart Airport.
Just landed? Our cars are ready for you next to car park P3.