Regler og guidelines

The golden rules of car-sharing

At SHARE NOW, we're on a mission to creating more liveable cities through shared mobility. Car-sharing can reduce congestion and create more space in urban environments. Implicit within the model, however, is a shared identity. The consideration that car-sharers show towards one another is a large part of what makes the SHARE NOW experience so special. By sharing cars, we are sharing private spaces and thus must behave in a way that benefits the collective. Whether you brand new here or have been car-sharing for a while, on this page you'll learn more about how to remain a valued member of SHARE NOW.

How not to SHARE NOW

Den forkerte måde at bruge bybiler

Foretrækker du en ren SHARE NOW-bil uden skader? Samme her! Vi rengør og vedligeholder løbende vores flåde af mere end 700 bybiler, men forventer naturligvis også, at du gør din del. Her er nogle af de ting, du aldrig skal gøre i forbindelse med kørsel:

Driving while under the influence of alcohol is never OK. Sitting in a SHARE NOW car doesn't mean that the police can't see you. Enjoy the party, but make sure you nominate a dedicated driver before you hit the road so that everyone arrives safely at their destination.

Det er ikke alle, der nyder at sætte sig i en bil, der lugter af røg. Hvis du ryger i en SHARE NOW-bil, vil du blive opkrævet et rengøringsgebyr på 1.500 kr. Så tag rygepausen udenfor bilen.

Have you ever jumped in a car-sharing car and found rubbish and tissues and whatnot on the front seats? How about hair, crisps, crumbs or ketchup stains? Do not be that person! Trash is the only thing we're not proud to share in this community.

Don't be one of those people who park like they own the street. There's nothing more disappointing than getting to your reserved car only to find it left in a nightmare space that gives you a headache. Park with the next driver in mind. It goes without saying, we hope, that you should not leave the car in private parking spaces or in a no-parking zone. Familiarise yourself with our Parking Rules.

Sådan deler du bil

Den rigtige måde at bruge SHARE NOW

Når du bruger bybiler på den rigtige måde er det oplevelsen, der bliver ved med at give. Følg disse fire regler og få mest muligt ud af vores innovative transportløsning.

When you buy a private car, you're stuck with that make and model. When you embrace car-sharing, you have access to a wide range of premium vehicles from the likes of BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Whether the sun's out and you fancy taking a convertible to the office, or you need something bigger to pack the family into for a picnic, we've got you covered.

The fact that you don't have to pay for fuel is one of the biggest advantages of car-sharing, but did you know that you can earn driving credit by fueling and charging SHARE NOW cars? Not only will you be getting money for nothing, but you'll be contributing to the car-sharing community by keeping the fleet fueled and ready to drive – for everyone!

Having access to a flexible mobility solution is great, but we don't stop there at SHARE NOW. As you drive you'll earn points and unlock rewards. From bonus reservation time and special hourly rates to partner rewards from like-minded lifestyle brands, your car-sharing experience gets better and better and you unlock new rewards. Make sure to opt into SHARE NOW Rewards via the app.

When it comes to car-sharing, the strength of the community is everything. As well as being a valued member of the SHARE NOW family, you can play your part in expanding it. By referring friends to our service, you'll not only be spreading the car-sharing dream but we'll give you both 10 € of driving credit for every new driver you introduce. It’s a win-win scenario!


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