
Driver's Seat Stories: Luka Peroš

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Saturday, 8:30 AM Gran Vía, Madrid

Luka Peroš’s trip begins in the Gran Vía in central Madrid. As a city kid born and bred, Peroš enjoys the atmosphere of built-up areas, the noise and the energy of the inner city. Like so many people have come to realise in cities these days, Peroš opts for car-sharing when he needs to drive in, or to escape, the city. He explains that what he likes about SHARE NOW is the ability to choose the type of car he needs depending on the situation directly from the mobile app.

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Saturday, 3:10 PM, Bodega del Nero

By mid-afternoon on day one, Luka Peroš has left the hustle and bustle and is on his way to a winery around 50 kilometres southeast of Madrid. Bodega del Nero is famous for its wine production and it’s one of Peroš’s favourites. He’s decided to spend the night there. Car-sharing offers the flexibility to not only drive for a little or as long as you want, but to leave the city limits and head off into the countryside, even for an overnight stay. It’s this flexibility that works for an actor with a hectic, often international schedule.

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Sunday, 10:05 AM Fabrica Nacional De Moneda Y Timbre

It’s Sunday morning and Luka Peroš is back on the road after his overnight stay at Bodega del Nero. He’s on his way back to central Madrid to visit the scene of his most famous acting role, the Fabrica Nacional De Moneda Y Timbre, or Royal Mint of Spain. Peroš played gang member Jakov in the show, better known by his code name Marseille. He alludes to the fact that he never enters the bank in the show, but helps ‘the Professor’ from the outside during the heist.

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11:20 AM Basketball Court, Madrid

Later that morning, Luka Peroš drives his BMW X1 Hybrid to the basketball court to meet some friends and shoot some hoops. He talks about the flexibility SHARE NOW offers him. As an actor, he’s always on the go. With car-sharing, he has the flexibility of using a car without having to own one. It’s flexible enough to fit seamlessly into his lifestyle. He can choose between different cars or different characters effortlessly.

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5:45 PM La Cueva Del Lobo, El Molar

On Sunday evening, Luka Peroš decides to visit a restaurant that is special to him. La Cueva Del Lobo is situated north of the Spanish capital. Thanks to his SHARE NOW BMW X1 Hybrid, the actor can drive up for dinner. Car-sharing gives city dwellers access to special dining experiences outside of the city limits, with rates to suit either evening trips or overnight stays.


Curious about what an actor’s weekend looks like? You can watch the full episode of our Driver's Seat Stories: A weekend with Luka Peroš, on YouTube or in the player above. Stay tuned for more episodes of Driver’s Seat Stories coming in the near future.

David McCourt

David McCourt

Sr. Editorial Content Strategist

"Own less, share more."

David is on a mission to improve the quality of life in cities through modern mobility solutions.