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Elektromos autók töltése


A SHARE NOW-val a töltés is egyszerűbb

Indulj útnak szabadabban, mint valaha. Válaszd akár 1-től 3 napos útjaidhoz is az elektromos SHARE NOW autókat, akár Házhoz szállítással! Lehetőséged van az elektromos autók töltésére¹, így az utazás mostantól még egyszerűbbé és kényelmesebbé válik.

Az elektromos autók töltése egyszerű és kényelmes folyamat: csak az autóban lévő töltőkártyára és a Mobiliti applikációra van szükséged. A Mobiliti app segítségével könnyedén megtalálhatod partner töltőállomásainkat, ahol díjmentesen tudsz tölteni.


How to charge an electric car in Germany

Filter the partner stations in the app and let the app guide you to the nearest one. Once you are at the station, tap on 'Start charging'. Please note that in very few cases, you must plug the cable in before tapping on 'Start charging'.

Select an available charging pole and enter the number in the app. The charging pole number is on the pole itself, just below the QR code. In case of fast charging, you might also be required to select the cable you’ll use on the charging station’s screen.

Connect the cable to the car first. The cable is in the trunk or attached to the charging pole in case of a fast charging station. Make sure the engine is switched off and all doors and windows are closed.

Tap on 'Start charging' again on your smartphone and wait for the charging session to begin.

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How to unplug an electric car in Germany

One of the perks of free-floating car-sharing is that you can locate electric cars anywhere throughout the Home Area. If you are looking for maximum range, though, we recommend starting your trip in a car that is waiting at a charging station, full and ready to hit the road. Here's how to unplug electric cars:

If you want to rent a car waiting at a charging station, please start the rental before ending the charging session and unplugging the car. If the rental is ongoing, simply end the charging.

Terminate the charging session from the app and confirm you want to stop the process. Only at this stage, you'll be able to unplug the car from the charging port.

Put the cable back in the trunk. In case you are using a fast charging station, just attach the cable to the charging pole. Push the button on the charging station or inside the car to release the cable.

Once the app confirms that the process is complete, you can drive off and either end your trip inside the Home Area or continue your journey.


SHARE NOW electric cars in your city

With more than 2,900 electric car-sharing vehicles in Europe's most popular cities, we've placed the future directly in your hands. Astonishing acceleration and instant torque give you that heart-stopping thrill that usually comes with a race car. Our electric cars free-float on the streets of your city and are ready to be unlocked with just the SHARE NOW app. Here are some of our favourite electric rides.

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